A downloadable game

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The game

Hallowed Knight is a metroidvania action-adventure game for Spectrum 48k. This game was made to take part in the ZX dev 2021, as a tribute of the original Hollow Knight game, a  masterpiece of videogames available in different platforms like PS4, Switch or Steam. If you can play it, don't wait more!.

The game takes place in Hallownest, a desolate and subterranean kingdom of beings that look like insects that have been infected by a strange corruption. The knight holds a sword called sting and he can use different spells too when he has enough Soul (left upper bar) Besides, he can buy these spells and other abilities with the money called Geo  (right upper number). Soul and Geo can be gained killing enemies.

This game can last about one hour to be fisnished.

How to play

You can play Hallowed Knight  using keyboard (recomended) or joystick. 

The keys are:

  • Left- O
  • Right- P
  • Up/Jump - Q
  • Down - A
  • Fire 1 (Sting) - M
  • Fire 2(Spells) - SPACE

In any case you can redefine it, and if you are going to play with a Spectrum 48K original keyboard, probably you'll want redefine the fire keys.


  • In this game there is not permanet death,  if you die you'll reborn to continue the adventure.
  • To hit enemies you must use the key fire1 and a directional key,  because you can attack at four directions.
  • To reach some parts of Hallownest you could need some special ability or spell.
  • Use the benchs to rest and recover life, but consider that if you die you'll reborn in that point.
  • When you die, your ghost remains where you died, if you can get it, you'll recover your money, but only if you don't die again.
  • You can jump higher attacking with your sword the floor of thornes.
  • There is a bank where you can keep your money, use it. Loss too much money can make the adventure harder.

To play Hallowed Knight you'll need a real Spectrum or an emulator like Retro Virtual Machine.


Thanks to Jonathan Cauldwell for his MPAGD engine, to all the people at  "Spectrum Makers 2021" telegram group , specially to Sergio_the_pOpE, and thanks to Ivan Sánchez (IvanZx) for launching the ZX Dev 2021 contest and  all people that have participated in one way or another in the development this contest

And above all, to the players.

November 2021


El juego

Hallowed Knight es un juego de acción y aventura de tipo metroidvania para Spectrum 48k. El juego ha sido hecho para tomar parte en la ZX Dev 2021, como un tributo al juego original Hollow Knight, una obra maestra de los videojuegos disponible en diferentes plataformas como PS4, Switch o Steam. Si aún no lo has jugado y puedes hacerlo, no esperes más.

El juego transcurre en Hallownest, un reino subterráneo y  desolado habitado por seres con apariencia de insectos que han sido infectados por una extraña corrupción. El caballero lleva un espada llamada aguijón y  puede usar diferentes hechizos cuando tiene suficiente cantidad de Alma (barra superior izquierda). Además, puede comprar hechizos y otras habilidades con el dinero llamado geo (número de la parte superior derecha) . Alma y geo se ganan al eliminar enemigos.

Hallowed Knight puede ser acabado en más o menos una hora de juego.

Cómo jugar

Hallowed Knight se puede jugar usando teclado (recomendado) o joystick.

Las teclas por defecto son:

  • Izquierda- O 
  • Derecha- P 
  • Arriba/salto - Q
  • Abajo - A 
  • Disparo 1 (Aguijón) - M
  • Disparo 2 (Hechizos) - Espacio 

Las teclas se pueden redefinir,  si vas a jugar con un teclado original de Spectrum 48K, mejor redefine las teclas de disparo.


  • El poder más importante del Hallowed Knight es la capacidad de recuperar vidas consumiendo alma. Acuérdate de usarlo con frecuencia.
  • En este juego no hay muerte permanente, si el caballero muere, renacerá para continuar la aventura.
  • Para golpear enemigos, se debe pulsar disparo y una tecla de dirección, puesto que se puede atacar en las cuatro direcciones.
  • Para alcanzar algunas partes de Hallownest, puede ser necesaria alguna habilidad especial o poder.
  • Usa los asientos para descansar y recuperar vida, pero ten en cuenta que morir hará que el caballero renazca en ese punto.
  • Cuando el caballero muere, su espíritu permanecerá en ese punto, si consigue llegar hasta allí sin morir otra vez, recuperará el dinero perdido
  • Se puede saltar más alto golpeando con la espada el suelo de espinas o a algunos enemigos.
  • Hay un banco donde se puede guardar el dinero,  úsalo. Perder mucho dinero puede hacer la aventura muy difícil.
  • Ten en cuenta que no podrás llevar más de 250 geo así que a veces te puede ser necesario gastarlo o guardarlo en el banco.

Para jugar Hallowed Knight necesitarás un Spectrum real, o un emulador como  Retro Virtual Machine.


Gracias a Jonathan Cauldwel por su motor MPAGD, a toda la gente en el grupo de Telegram "Spectrum Makers 2021",  especialmente a Sergio_the_pOpE. También gracias a Ivan Sánchez (IvanZx) por promover el concurso ZX Dev 2021 y a los mecenas y a toda la gente que ha participado en él desarrollo del mismo, de una u otra manera.

Y gracias sobre todo a los jugadores.

 Noviembre 2021

Credits / Créditos

Game developed for Spectrum 48k with the MPAGD 7.10 engine by Jonathan Cauldwell / Juego desarrollado para  Spectrum 48k con el motor MPAGD 7.10 de Jonathan Cauldwell.

 Script, graphics and coding / Script, gráficos y  código:  Eduardo José Villalobos Galindo  

Loosely based in Hollow Knight video Game by Team Cherry / Libremente basado en el video juego Hollow Knight de Team Cherry

Music adapted from the original score "Enter Hallownest"   of Christopher Larkin / Música adaptada de la banda sonora original  "Enter Hallownest"  de Christopher Larkin.

Beta-testing:  [Carlos Perezgrin   Twitter    Telegram    @cperezgrin] [Erich Grüttner]

Críticas y reseñas/Criticisms and reviews

Planeta Sinclair: 

"A pesar de que los escenarios a veces parecen un poco desnudos, (sobre todo funcionales, prescindiendo de grandes refinamientos) todo fluye a la perfección, proporcionando una jugabilidad al nivel de los mejores de Spectrum"

 "Although the scenarios sometimes seem a little bare (..) everything flows so perfectly, providing gameplay at the level of the best in Spectrum."

Planet Sinclair

Click on picture to a browser game, though to get a better game experience  I recommend download the TAP archive and run it on a emulator or on a real machine.

Pulsa en la imagen para jugar en el navegador, aunque para tener una mejor experiencia de juego se recomienda descargar el .TAP y usarlo con un emulador o una máquina real.

If you need some help, you can see here a complete walktrough by @cperezgrin

Si necesitas ayuda aquí puedes ver una partida completada del juego por @cperezgrin

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Tags8bits, Demake, Metroidvania, Retro, spectrum, zxdev, ZX Spectrum


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

hknightv16.tap 44 kB

Development log


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As one of my friends excellently put it when I found out about this game, it's a "blursed port". It runs well on my 48K but I had to adjust my monitor to see the blue terrain properly on the black background.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback, I must say that I didn't think that it could happen.  I'm sorry but I the only solution is change the color of the background or the terrain, but the game may will lost the soul of Hollow Knight.

Hi, really enjoying this. Would like to talk to you for Retro Gamer about the entry into the ZX Dev Remakes competition - @merman1974 on Twitter

(1 edit)

Thank you very much!!. I can't send you messages on twitter. May telegram?  Mine is https://t.me/edujvg

Adding you there, thanks!

partida completa y comentada

Perfecto!!  A ver si lo puedo enlazar aqui.

¿final version?

I think yes, this must be the final version, though it only was minor bugs that most people don't realize that it existed. Anyway, sorry for updates.

puedes agregarle la etiqueta demake

Muy buena idea, gracias!

Menudo juegazo te has marcado amigo, con multitud de detalles, enhorabuena !!!

Muchas gracias, tampoco Black Sea está nada mal.

Hi. It is not possible to deliver the 10 children, the counting will be messed up, so even all 10 is delivered you will get the message that 2 is missing. Also the boss in the mine keeps respawning, so you can battle him eternally and keep collecting the same piece of the mask. 

(2 edits)

Really? I'll try to fix it. May the problem with the children is that you can't carry more than 250$, so the father don't pay you if you don't spend money before bringing him his children. You can spend the money buying blue masks (Lifeblood mask)  or depositing money at the bank.

You are right, I have tried again and have now completed the game. The problem is the 250$ limit, because you do not know that you will get money, or how many, for bringing back the children. So if you have too many money this will be a problem. The most logic way to end the game (when you are able to deliver the children) will be with the boss fight in the mine and then the respawning boss will not be a problem, but if you have not delivered all children the boss will keep respawning if you leave the screen and come back. This does not happen with the bird boss. A great game. Cheers!

Yes, I've checked the problem with the boss  and it's true, it is respawned. I fixed it, now it respawns only if you don't get the piece of the mask, I suppose I'll upload an update with the bug fixed soon. Thank you very much for playing and for letting me know these bugs.


Another bug I have found is that if you use the Mothwing Cloak to fly directly into a wall, you will hang in the wall at the place you hit it. You can get free at any time so there is no problem in it, but if you jump upwards from where you hit the wall, and use the cloak to fly into the wall again you can actually get access to the whole screen (places you were not meant to be) on every screen. For example you can use this trick to get out of the right side of the Dirthmouth screen (the screen with the old man, the well and the first bench), but as this was not intended, and there is nothing to the right, you will just re-enter the screen again from the left side of the screen ;-)

Actually you are a great tester!! I know what you mean, I could see this bug in some screen that  I fixed, but a I've  never though trying it at Dirtmouth!!!.

(5 edits)

v12 and v13 have corrupted screen$. Presented screen$ vs. contained screen$ in tap files.

presented screen$ contained screen$
(2 edits)

Sorry, I don't know what you exactly want to say. If you want to say that then screen presented here and the screen loaded at the game are slightly differente, yes, it's true, is not the same screen, the screen in the game was edited later , and I supose I modified accidentally . But thank you for notice it!

WOAW, incredible port, thanks a lot :)

Thank you very much for your words and for playing it!